Câu hỏi thường gặp - Toragon HE

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


Account opening

  • Why do I need to create an account?
    • Creating an account would allow you to make purchases, and be notified of new products and announcements from Toragon.
  • How do I create an account?
    • Click on the “Create an account” menu located at the top banner, and follow the step-by-step instructions.


  • Why do I make full payment for pre-order?
    • A full payment is required to secure the pre-order.
  • Will I be prompted when my pre-order has arrived?
    • Yes, you would be informed via email or call when your pre-order has arrived.
  • Why is my pre-order cancelled?
    • Due to circumstances beyond our control, for example, order termination by our suppliers, pre-order can sometimes be cancelled. We appreciate your kind understanding.
  • Yes, a full refund would be made for pre-order cancelled by Toragon or our supplier.
    • Yes, a full refund would be made for pre-order cancelled by Toragon or our supplier.


  • How can I make payment?
    • We accept the following payment method:
      • Payment by Cash or Debit cards in person at our store.
      • Payment via Stripe online via Toragon website.
      • Payment via bank transfer with the following details:
        • TORAGON HE Joint Stock Company
        • Bank account no.:    44373140001
        • Bank name:        Sai Gon Joint Stock Commercial Bank (SCB) ‐ Saigon branch.
        • Please state the following information for the transfer:
          • Họ và tên [dấu cách] Số điện thoại [dấu cách] Mã đặt hàng
            Full name [space] Phone number [space] Order code (Example: Nguyen Van A 0123456789 12345).

Tracking your order

  • How do I track delivery of my order?
    • You can track the delivery of your order by logging into your account and viewing the status of your order.

Shipping and returns

  • How much is delivery?
    • Costs of the delivery is calculated at Check-out before payment.
  • What are the shipping options?
    • You can collect the purchased products in person at our store, or arrange a door-to-door delivery to your preferred location.
  • What is the estimated shipping time?
    • Delivery within Ho Chi Minh City usually takes 1 to 3 days, while delivery in Vietnam outside of Ho Chi Minh City usually takes 3 to 10 days via Grab, Viettel Post, GHTK, etc. Viettel Post, GHTK, etc. Viettel Post, GHTK, etc.
  • Can Toragon arrange overseas shipping?
    • Please contact us should you need shipping overseas.
  • What do I do if the product is damaged during shipment?
    • All care is taken to ensure safe ship.
    • We are sorry that we are unable.
  • How do I make returns?
    • Please refer to the Terms and Conditions located at the bottom of the Toragon webpage for more details on returns.
    • For returns, please return the product and its complete packaging to:

Toragon HE Joint Stock Company

Customer Service Department

140 Ly Chinh Thang, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.


  • What are the warranties on the product?
    • We are sorry that Toragon cannot cover against products with manufacturer’s defects.
    • If the product is not in the correct model or quantity ordered, you have the option to exchange it, return it, or notify the Toragon (Customer Service Department) so that we can advise you your options.

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